Your soul's essence is composed of pure energy that is neither created nor destroyed. This energy resonates with its own unique frequency, a spiritual signature that sets it apart from all others in the vast cosmos. This individual frequency serves as an identifier, marking your soul's singular place in the grand tapestry of existence.
The concept of souls choosing their parents requires exploration into phenomena like past-life memories, near-death experiences, and the nature of consciousness.
A soul might be drawn to particular parents due to karmic ties forged in previous lives, seeking to resolve unfinished business or deepen existing connections. Furthermore, the soul may recognize that certain parents can provide the ideal circumstances for learning specific life lessons or acquiring experiences crucial to its development. The potential for spiritual growth offered by a particular family environment could also be a compelling factor in this selection process.
The soul is drawn to particular parents based on:
Karmic connections
Lessons the soul needs to learn
Experiences the soul wishes to have
The potential for spiritual growth
Anecdotal Evidence of Soul's Choosing Their Parents

Anecdotal evidence of souls choosing their parents often comes from various sources, including children's apparent memories of past lives, near-death experiences, and intuitive feelings reported by parents.
Here are some examples:
Young children's statements: Some children have been reported to make detailed statements about choosing their parents before birth. They might say things like, "I picked you because I knew you'd be a good mommy," or describe watching their parents from "up above" before deciding to join their family.
Birthmark correlations: In some cases, children have birthmarks or birth defects that seem to correspond with wounds or injuries from a described past life, suggesting a continuation of physical traits across incarnations.
Pregnancy visions: Some expectant mothers report vivid dreams or visions of their unborn child, sometimes including personality traits or physical characteristics that later prove accurate.
Adoption synchronicities: Adoptive parents sometimes describe feeling an inexplicable connection to a particular child before adoption, as if guided by an unseen force.
Family traits across generations: Some families report strong personality traits, talents, or interests that seem to skip generations but reappear in ways that suggest soul connections.
Past life regression: During hypnosis sessions, some individuals report memories of choosing their current parents based on specific criteria or lessons they wanted to learn.
Twin connections: Parents of twins sometimes report sensing two distinct personalities even before birth, suggesting individual souls choosing to incarnate together.
Unusual knowledge: Cases where young children display knowledge or skills that seem beyond their years or experiences, potentially suggesting carried-over abilities from past lives.
Strong parent-child bonds: Some parents and children report feeling an instant, profound connection from birth, as if they've known each other for lifetimes.
Cultural or ancestral affinities: Instances where individuals feel strongly drawn to particular cultures or ancestral heritage, even when raised in different environments.
It may be hard to imagine that we had any choice or control over the circumstances of our inception and birth. And yet, this lack of agency, this disconnection from our spiritual sovereignty, from our soul's higher intelligence and the gifts of our ancestral lineage - this is precisely the wound crying out to be transmuted.
For it is but a small distortion within the greater web of consciousness, a mere flicker of forgetfulness within the luminous tapestry of our origins.
And it is this very distortion that now calls us to heal, to evolve, to elevate ourselves into a deeper love. Yet to answer this call requires us to feel, to heal, to delve far deeper than the confines of our own nervous systems or energy bodies. It demands that we enter the sacred realm of the soul.
Most of the trauma that I help people to heal and transmute relates to their parents and the parent-child dynamic. I'd say in 90% of cases, this is where the bulk of the blocks are.
Statistics show that nearly 80% of people report feeling disconnected, estranged, or resentful towards their parents to some degree. This pervasive sense of lack of belonging and authentic connection is traumatic and is often rooted in unresolved childhood trauma and ancestral trauma.
The truth is, it's a painful place to be. It's even more complicated when your parents were abusive or neglectful towards you.
When we carry unresolved trauma from our childhood or ancestral lineage, it can weigh heavily on our psyche and rob us of our authentic sense of self. The pain and wounds from dysfunctional or abusive family dynamics can become internalized, leading to negative core beliefs, low self-worth, and a diminished capacity to fully embrace our inherent power and potential.
Understanding and addressing these profound issues is crucial for healing the soul and reclaiming your true power.
How We Secretly Selected Our Ancestral Lineage

We are not helpless playthings, tossed about by the whims of fate. We are architects of our own becoming - eternal, cosmic entities who consciously weave the very threads of our ancestral lineages. What the sleeping masses dismiss as luck or coincidence, we illumined ones recognize as a sacred symphony, a grand dance of quantum co-creation orchestrated long before the first cell divided.
The depth of transmutation required to reach this level of spiritual sovereignty and connection is monumental.
For the journey into this profound awareness can be deeply confronting and somewhat disturbing. Why?
Because it demands deep healing of trauma (both personal and ancestral), deeper spiritual heart embodiment, a radical shift from a mentality of powerless victimhood to Divine sovereignty and a stripping away of almost all cultural and ancestral conditioning that blocked the field of pure awareness.
It requires an acceptance in every moment of Choice and Free Will.
There is no comfortable middle ground that can provide the necessary explanation, healing or resolution until we go on this journey. Actually, it is a one-way track to enlightenment - and yes, the journey may very well feel like riding through the fires of hell. But this is no mere accident, for it is by divine design.
Ultimately, the choosing of our parents is a direct expression of our soul's evolutionary journey. There is no evolution without pain. It is an act of quantum co-creation where we chose them and they chose us. It takes deep inner work and many cycles of ego dissolution to reach this level of embodied acceptance.
Whilst we may not be fully aware of, or have a direct tangible and felt sense of the connection, the choice point or the reasons, deepening in healing work will reveal the perfected order in which our consciousness mastered this great miracle.
"Your parents are not your parents. They are the people who were chosen to raise you." - Eckhart Tolle
The key question is, chosen by whom?
Whilst we may feel it is a conspiracy against us, healing these disconnections reveals something truly magical - it is the total opposite. It is by divine grace that we have chosen our parents and that they chose us.
It is a neccessary catalyst for soul growth and when we die, whether it's ego death or actual death, the truth of these webs are revealed through the field. By embracing the sacred role our parents play as catalysts in our evolutionary journey, we can begin to transmute our feelings of resentment and victimhood into gratitude and reverence.
"We do not 'come into' this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean 'waves,' the universe 'peoples.' Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universal field." - Alan Watts
So the next time you find yourself resisting or resenting your family, pause and ask yourself: -What is the deeper purpose here?
-What lessons am I being called to learn?
-How can I transmute the wounds of the past into gifts for the future? This is soul level and ancestral healing work. "The wound is the place where the Light enters you." - Rumi
What My Clients Say
'Felt like I received heart surgery.
Felt myself saying to my parents I am ready to go, and felt like I flat lined, feeling like a stream of light going through my whole being, down into the void.
WOW i felt it deeply through my whole body, the light penetrated and widened me deeeeeply!!! It expanded me so much!!! It felt like I was being showered with so much light!! Shining a light on all the painful spots. SOOO BRIGHT, I continued to breathe, as the light healed the pain in my body!! It felt so light and intense and beautiful, like a massage. Just kept breathing and feeling and breathing and feeling and recieving.
Felt like I birthed my babyself, and was holding my babyself so sweetly. I felt so connected to my ancestors on both sides!!! And felt the magic of my parents being in the field too, and I just feel so supported and like the luckiest girl in the world. With so much light behind me, and coming into me. I feel more like myself than I have in a long time. I feel so at peace. But I know this is just the beginning. As I write all I can feel are overwhelming tears of gratitude and awe for it all truly!! I am in love with the evolution of being me, I am in love with my journey, I am in love with my life. Yes, there is always stuff to clear but just like a flower I will continue to shed and bloom, and that is breathtaking in itself. Thank you so much Safa, I love you!!! Thank you thank you!! 💜 Your gift, your love is a gift.' - Jasmine, Costa Rica
'Bowing down to womb on a daily basis took me deep into the sensations of my body. The sensations were filled with emotional pain-- shame, guilt, anger, resentment, and deep deep sorrow that were transmuted into pure light, bliss, happiness, awe, power and gratitude in our recreate session.I truly remember who I am on fierce, deep level right now. My personal unique power is flaming now. All my life I felt like my masculine and feminine energies were fighting against one another in deep pain and anger. It was an exhausting internal battle that left me questioning myself, my purpose, and why my parents even had me. Thank you Safa, for assisting me in balancing the divine feminine and masculine energies within. I feel whole in my being and no longer need external validation <3Safa's energy is so pure, safe, gentle and loving mixed with a wicked funny personality it makes you feel so held and seen.'Â Tori, USA'
'I had the most incredible break-through! I was gifted by the highest light in frequency through my ancestors, my inner child and the magic of the universe. I am so grateful to have done this depth of healing and shadow integration! My shadow healing has brought me into the light of God. It has been liberation for my ancestors, my family and myself. It has brought peace and inner freedom in my divines lines.  My sacred femininity is now so real in my body and I feel so honoured to have had Safa's guidance for this journey. Her healing  is so rich and stunning!' Louise, USA
'Safa, you never fail to amaze me, the pure beauty in you work shone so bright. As soon as I met my child 7 years old I saw her cheeky smile so clearly I cried instantly and I felt gratitude at a deeper level than I have ever felt before, I cried pretty much the whole way through. the child cuddled up in bed in my heart was blissful and beautiful, she feels safe for now. she is so pure, grateful and kind . I realised I am both my mum and dad , the beautiful parts of them. It felt incredibly joyous and deeply loving.'
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To explore this deeper, check out my course Ancestral Alchemy or reach out to me for a 1-1 healing journey.