Childhood Sexual Abuse and Erectile Dysfunction
It is incredibly difficult to resolve the issue of erectile dysfunction when you're just focused on the symptoms and not on identifying and
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Erectile Dysfunction
How Men & Women Heal Differently
Distance Healing & Quantum Biology
Healing from the Trauma of Religious Abuse
Signs That Your Body is Holding Childhood Sexual Abuse.
How Sexual Trauma Is Affecting Your Hormones
Signs of Wounded Masculine Energy
Light, Spirit and Embodied Consciousness
Signs That your Body is Holding Ancestral Trauma
How Trauma Gets Passed Down In The Womb
5 Fascinating Facts about Your Womb-Heart-Throat Connection
The Quantum Mechanisms of Distance Healing
Migraines, Trauma and Treating the Tentorium
The Lymphatic System and Your Mental Health
Why Your Liver Holds Rage