For many years now I've been doing all my healing work with my clients by distance. I'm able to feel at a very deep level into the physical, emotional and energetic structures without being in the same location. This is known as distance healing. Contrary to what you might think, it's not about sending healing light and love. The way I do healing work is very specific, targeted and focused on resolving real imbalances that are showing up. I do this by locating them. going inside them to reveal the root causes which always stem from the impact of traumatic experiences. By releasing the fear imprints trapped in these structures, the wisdom of these traumatic experience can be integrated in a healthy and more harmonious way, back into the energetic, emotional and physical body. This means the person no longer feels the pain and stuck-ness caused by the trauma but is now vibrating in a different level of consciousness and at a higher frequency. The more distance work I do, the more fascinated I have become by the mechanisms through which healing or vibrational transmutation occurs. This lead me to study this for my Masters degree. The closest explanation we have is found in the realms of quantum physics, specifically quantum biology. Whilst recognising the limits of biochemical processes in determining our consciousness, quantum biology is the deepest and closest mechanisms through which we can start to understand how and why distance healing really works. The key to understanding how distance healing happens lies in understanding the realm of frequency, and the activity of photons and protons that underlie the entire existence of our reality. This is what is commonly referred to as 'energy' or 'electromagnetism' and forms the fabric of all physical objects including our nervous system, brain and body.
Distance Healing and Quantum Biology
Distance healing is becoming increasingly interesting from a scientific perspective. Quantum biology is a field of science that seeks to explain how biological organisms interact beneath the physical and biochemical / neurological level i.e an atomic and subatomic level. The phenomenon of distance healing can be explained by stating the proven 3 central premises of quantum mechanics.
1) Quantum Superposition: a particle can exist in multiple places and states simultaneously.
2) Quantum Entanglement: two particles separated by time and space can act as if they are a single entity and influence each other
3) Wave-particle duality: particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties simultaneously
How does Distance Healing Happen?

The quantum field consists of waves and particles and various vibrations and frequencies. Bell’s Theorem also found that waves transmit information across any distance without any dissipation, refraction, interference or information decay. This implies that information is neither transmitted nor received and therefore quantum information is omnipresent. This means at the quantum level, there is no time, no space and therefore there is no distance. It also means there is not past and future (trippy right?)
Let's talk about quantum entanglement; entanglement of particles at the quantum level happens when two particles become so closely connected that they act as if they are a single entity. They are capable of influencing each other immediately. Einstein called this, "spooky action at a distance." But how exactly do two particles (or people) influence each other?
The answer lies in frequency, photons (light particles) and proton activity.
Protons are essential for numerous biological processes as they are positively charged particles that interact with other molecules to form bonds. Protons play a significant role in cellular respiration, metabolism, and DNA replication, among many others. They help regulate the balance of acidity or alkalinity in the body's cells, which influences the functions of enzymes and biochemical reactions. In addition, protons are important for cell signalling as they are used by proteins to regulate information flow within and between cells.
When the frequency of a particle changes, protons either release or absorb photons. A particle that is more positively charged will release photons and particles that are less positively charged will absorb protons. The photons are light particles. There is no 'new energy' being created, transferred or destroyed, there is simply a constant rebalancing process. When particles absorb more photons, they become more energetic and may move faster or take on a higher energy state. This leads to an increase in frequency. This can also lead to changes in the particle's properties, such as its mass or spin, depending on the type of particle it is. This is important because these invisible subatomic particles form the basis for our neurology and all of our physiological and biochemical processes. They are integral to the way that our cells communicate and carry out their complex functions – from sending signals throughout our bodies to breaking down molecules for energy.
The quantum field in which we all exist has a profound effect on the healing process. As our brain consists of protons entangled with the field, any changes in frequency caused by the healer's vibrational field will alter the activity of these protons. This alteration affects our DNA structure and thus, every other aspect of our bodies, making protons essential for healing at a quantum level.
Is Your Brain a Quantum Computer?
All our vital life processes such as respiration and vision involve quantum mechanics. Wave activity in the quantum field has a direct impact on our neurological activity. Deep within the neurons of our brain are sub atomic quantum structures called microtubules. They organise our neuronal interiors and regulate synapses in our brain cells, affecting our physiological and biochemical processes, thoughts and behaviours.
Image 1: quantum microtubules in the brain.

The latest research in quantum physics shows that these structures vibrate at a quantum level and actually generate quantum fields (Hameroff et al 2002, Havelka et al 2011, Hameroff & Penrose, 2014). We've only known this for about 15 years and yet ancient civilisations used fractal pillars in the construction of their temples and holy sites.
In the images below you will see depictions of the microtubules in modern art and also in ancient architecture such as in the Thousand Pillar Temple in Warangal, India, the Temple of Karnak in Egypt and Angkor Wat in Cambodia and the Parthenon in Greece.
Could it be that the ancients knew the power of quantum vibration? Perhaps they used pillars to create temples as energetic portals to heal the land, community and people and to connect them with this quantum / spirit realm.
Image 2: fractal pillar construction throughout ancient history
The Role of Distance Healing in Overcoming Chronic Illness and Disease

When the frequency of our energetic body lowers, it can have a profound impact on our physical health. This is due to the interconnection between quantum biology and electromagnetic fields. As our energy field fluctuates, we are also exposed to various types of invisible electromagnetic waves with differing vibrations and waves lengths. In lower frequency states, protons become less positively charged which can lead to chronic illness and disease. Experiments conducted on mice have shown that exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields could lead to permanent changes in gene expression Research has shown that distance healing techniques can help to restore the energetic balance of individuals with chronic illnesses and conditions. Studies have found that the application of energy fields with specific frequencies can improve physical health, reduce pain and inflammation, slow cellular ageing, and lead to emotional wellbeing. In one study, participants who received distance healing treatments over a period of eight weeks reported feeling more energised and experiencing reduced fatigue.
Benefits of Distance Healing
Below are some examples of my clients who have experienced this sub atomic level of change occurring including in their own DNA. Their responses were collected after a session of group distance healing.

My sense is that quantum field coherence is maintained when the frequency is upheld at an intensity and period that enables the physical properties of our brain to start being influenced. Studies show that frequencies can be actively altered to produce synchronised field resonance (Rein 2004) which in turn supports intra cellular level repair and enhances chromosome folding and transcription (Funk & Ozkucur 2008, Zhao & Zhan 2012, Bischof & Del Giudice 2013. The healer’s role is to embody the frequency that is required by the group field in order to generate intelligent wave functions that either initiate or collapse processes that are activating or impeding health of the whole field.
Distance healing is not about sending energy anywhere, because all is present at all times and energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is only transmuted, through frequency shifts that we influence and are influenced by.
Healing is about generating awareness of the quality of the energy, the vibration of it, whether the waves are flowing and moving or stagnant and dense tells you alot about the state of a system, solid vs fluid, open vs closed etc.
In states of a healers expanded awareness, where everything is a probability and a possibility and where correlations are non local i.e something happening to/through someone in one place, can happen to someone in a completely different place - it is possible to feel, sense, see what is happening with someone far far away, as if you were right next to them.
Below is an image of the human biofield, where you can see the Torus -

The Torus explains how something starts as a descent from spirit, or an ascent from matter, through a central channel or tube of light/energy/consciousness and is a self referencing dynamic, that is, all motion into and out passes through the centre point.
It is the fundamental pattern that results in the motion (Bohm’s holomovement) from which all is created.
Everything starts with the point of infinite potential.
That point, is the great unknowable Source.

You can even observe this in physical form during the developing of a chicken embryo below. At every level you will find the same field. From cell division to the cosmic level. The Earth is also at the center of a torus, so is the solar system and even our galaxy.
Chicken Embryo

When I work with my clients it's almost as if i'm right next to them in the room; I am able to perceive the nature of their body and field's movement , patterns, expressions, twists , turns, stagnations, flows the same way as a normal session. It's quite incredible how easy it is. It takes deep stillness to be able to make a connection, so the stiller I am within myself the easier it is to sense and notice movements. Depending on what the person needs, we might be working with family field energy, old emotions from past memories, physical tensions and constraints or psychological self limiting beliefs. Every session is tailored to exactly what you need. Interested to try it? Get in touch with me. Experiencing is believing.
Harnessing the Power of Distance Healing

By understanding the relationship between our frequency and the protons in our body, we can tap into the power of quantum healing. Our energy field fluctuates and so does the wavelength of these waves. When raised to higher frequencies, our protons become more positively charged which helps to increase electromagnetic activity across a whole healing field. This shift can facilitate powerful healing work by assisting us to move towards higher frequency states of light. Distance healing is an effective way to treat a variety of physical, mental and spiritual ailments. However, it is important to remember that distance healing is only one part of the healing process. For true and lasting healing to occur, lifestyle changes must also be made in order to support the effects of the distance healing treatment. Making changes such as getting enough rest, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, meditating or practicing grounding and nervous system regulation techniques can help enhance the beneficial effects of distance healing.
Somatic integration is an important aspect of distance healing that helps to promote optimal health and wellbeing. It refers to bringing the body, mind and spirit into alignment as a means of achieving balance within one’s self. When engaging in distance healing, it is important to consider somatic integration in order to maximize the healing benefits. During the process of distance healing, practitioners will often use methods such as visualization, self-reflection and meditation to help bring awareness to any unresolved issues or traumas held in the body. By practicing somatic integration during distance healing treatments, the individual can gain insight into their overall wellbeing and take steps towards improving their physical, mental and spiritual health.
Client Transformation Stories
I felt as if I was the consciousness within every atom of every cell - every subatomic particle and was mingling consciously with all the particles of the ever expanding universe. Energy ran up and down and swirled around my body. My mind was blown - my soul took over. I saw my soul’s journey into this life.It was abstract, kaleidoscopic- like fractals and bursting open like flowers blooming. I fell to Earth and reminded myself to ground - stay grounded in my body, even as my soul traveled.
- Sam, USA
Are You Ready To Discover Your Inner Alchemist?
As always, if you're ready to start healing please reach out to me.

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