You might be reading this because you're interested in deepening your womb connection and feminine embodiment. If so, welcome! You're in the right place! You probably already know about the power of womb healing, but did you know that the intrinsic axis for the feminine energetic system is the womb-heart-throat connection? When this connection is healed and energetically reinforced, it creates a powerful structure deep within you that supports your ability to embody your feminine forca. The womb-heart-throat are separate energetic spaces but they work best together, when alchemised and attuned as one system.
Your throat is the centre of your self expression, your ability to speak and feel heard and also to communicate your deepest truth. Your heart field is the centre of your source, your connection to yourself, to others, to the wider cosmic field and to being able to feel and heal deeply. Your womb is the centre of your creative life force, fertility, healing powers and capacity for transmutation.
Alot of the women that I work with have struggled with truly embodying their feminine power because of past traumas that have remained trapped in their body and energy field. Unresolved wounds, particularly sexual trauma and childhood sexual abuse can make it difficult to trust and rely on these centres and energetically, they can become distorted by survival patterns. In this blog post I talk about 5 fascinating facts about your womb-heart-throat connection.
If you're looking to heal your womb and deepen in your feminine embodiment please reach out to me and book a consultation call.
You can find my short online course on Womb Wisdom here.
If you'd like to experience cosmic womb alchemy and deep healing please join the Tribe, my bi monthly global group healing sessions
Try one of my guided womb healing practices on my podcast

1. Your Womb & Jaw Developed from the Same Membrane

You may not know this but your mouth, jaw and womb all developed from the same embryonic membrane in utero. This membrane is called the ectoderm. The ectoderm forms during the very early stages of your journey as an embryo.
Your mouth and jaw develops from the oral ectoderm, which gives rise to your lips, tongue, and teeth. Your womb originates from the urogenital ectoderm which also contributes to the formation of the urinary and reproductive systems.
Why is this important? For some women, womb and pelvic pain and tension is accompanied by jaw tension, grinding etc. This can be very hard to resolve through traditional manual therapies unless the root causes are accessed. The root cause could have actually begun in utero, with maternal stress and trauma being imprinted on the embryological membrane system. Healing in utero trauma imprints and the embryological nervous system and energy field is an area that I specialise in. You can read more about how trauma is passed down in utero here. If you'd like to try a free guided healing session for transmuting your traumatic in utero imprints please click here.
2. Your Throat and Cervix Are Interconnected!

The vagus nerves play a crucial role in transmitting sensory information from the uterus to the brainstem.
Interestingly, this neural pathway is particularly sensitive to our stress levels and breathing patterns.
When we experience chronic stress or trauma, our breathing can become more shallow, which can subsequently impact the functioning of the vagus nerve.
The larynx (voice box) and cervix (the lower, narrow part of the uterus) are anatomically connected through the vagus nerve. This intrinsic neurological link means that unresolved sexual trauma or persistent states of stress can lead to the activation of the vagus nerve, resulting in changes to both the larynx and the cervix.
When the vagus nerve becomes activated due to stress or trauma, it can cause a range of issues, such as vocal strain, hoarseness, and even problems with the cervix, including cervical dysplasia (abnormal cell growth). This is because the cervix is highly sensitive to alterations in the nervous system and is often referred to as the "second brain" due to its dense network of neural connections.
The activation of the vagus nerve caused by stress or trauma can lead to tension and inflammation in the cervix, which can then contribute to a variety of reproductive health concerns. This intricate mind-body connection highlights the importance of addressing both physical and emotional factors when it comes to maintaining overall health and well-being.
2. Your Jaw and Pelvis Move Together!

Our jaw and pelvis may seem like two distinct and unrelated body parts, but they are actually connected through a fascinating network of fascial tissue. Fascia is a web-like connective tissue that permeates our entire body, providing structural support and integration for our muscles, bones, and organs.
During the embryonic stage of development, the spinal cord forms to physically link the jaw and the pelvis, creating a deep-seated anatomical connection that can profoundly influence our overall health and well-being.
One area where this jaw-pelvis connection can have a significant impact is the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that work together to support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. When these pelvic floor muscles become tight or tense, it can lead to a range of issues, such as pelvic pain and incontinence. Interestingly, this tension in the pelvic floor can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stress, childbirth, and even tightness or dysfunction in the jaw.
When we experience trauma, stress or tension, our bodies "hold onto" that tension, manifesting it in various areas, including the jaw.
This jaw tension can then be transmitted through the interconnected fascial network, ultimately reaching the pelvic floor and causing issues in that region.
By addressing and releasing tension in the jaw through practices like massage, stretching, and grounding techniques, we can promote a corresponding relaxation in the pelvic floor, potentially reducing the likelihood of problems like pelvic pain and incontinence.
This profound mind-body connection, rooted in our embryological development and the intricate fascial system, highlights the importance of adopting a holistic approach to our health and well-being, recognizing the profound interdependence of seemingly disparate parts of the body.
3. Your Womb Holds (and Heals) Ancestral (and Collective) Trauma.

It's very common to hold trauma, particularly sexual and emotional trauma blockages and structures in the womb space. This can make it hard to feel into your own womb at any meaningful depth, let alone alchemise collective structures.
Traumatic birth experiences, chronic stress and hormonal imbalances all affect your nervous system and your physical connection with your womb.
Your womb is like a repository. It's sensitive, it collects information. When it's collecting more information than it's able to send through the body to be processed, i.e it's full and not empty, the womb can become a source of pain. This is why many women end up having their wombs removed surgically, because they have not healed somatically or energetically, the traumatic imprints in the nervous system, pelvic tissues etc. Sometimes these traumas are not just personal but also ancestral.
The same way that our physical body can carry epigenetic markers of our ancestors' lives, the energetic field of the womb retains the emotional, psychological, and spiritual residues of the struggles, triumphs, and traumas endured by the women in our bloodlines.
The most common patterns I see in my clients when it comes to ancestral womb trauma are:
feminine shut down and lack of trust in the body and expression that runs very far back
feminine sexual abuse where mother, grandmother and great grandmother etc were all sexually traumatised
feminine disconnection from true spiritual power and over reliance on the material realm for many generations
Your womb is not just a portal for holding and healing your own stuff, but also your ancestral conditioning and patterns.
Infact, where the ancestral pain is very deep, the womb space is sometimes the only portal where these traumatic imprints can be processed without leading to intense emotional overwhelm.
By acknowledging and honoring the womb's role as a repository of ancestral imprints, we open the door to a profound process of healing and reclamation. This is the work that I offer in my online courses and 1-1 healing practice. Through practices like womb work, shadow exploration, and ancestral lineage healing, women can learn to identify, release, and transform the intergenerational wounds that have been held within this sacred space.
In doing so, we not only free ourselves from the constraints of the past, but also reclaim the full creative, intuitive, and empowered potential of the feminine essence. The womb then becomes a generative portal, a wellspring of life-affirming energy that can nourish our own healing and spiritual evolution, as well as that of future generations.
Click here to read my article on signs that your body is holding ancestral trauma.
4. Your Womb-Heart-Throat Axis Looks Like A Golden Bridge

By now you're aware that your womb, heart and throat are more than just physical parts of your body. Energetically, when they are healed and attuned they actually vibrate and create a structure that looks like a golden arched bridge within the energy system.
This bridge is a kind of axis, that stabilises and supports your energy system. It also enables the flow of energy and information between these spaces.
You can create an energy circuit to flow the energy up from the centre of the earth, into your womb, heart and throat and back down. If you like you can also include your crown chakra.
Whenever you do grounding and clearing for yourself you can check in with your golden bridge and reinforce it, adorn it and increase the beauty and magnificence of its frequency. This takes a bit of practice and at the start, active visual imagination, however, it will soon become an embodied reality.
This technique is something I discovered myself, working with thousands of women and doing hundreds of personal plant medicine healing ceremonies where I discovered my own unique approach to energy healing and the alchemy of my ancestors. The golden bridge is always available but it needs to be maintained. Just like a garden! In fact this is true of your whole energy body. Tend to it with love!
4.Your Womb is a Sacred Portal to Cosmic Consciousness

Your womb is a profound and sacred portal, not just for creating physical life, but also for accessing deeper realms of consciousness.
When you heal your womb you start to drop into a deeper level of embodiment, stillness and grounding within your own womb space. This stillness allows you to feel cosmic frequency through the womb.
The more you heal and the safer you feel being here in the seat of your womb. Then, you will start to embody your power and expand your field wider. The more your womb space and heart field expands energetically, the more space you can hold and the deeper healing you can do.
Eventually, you will not only transmute ancestral imprints but you become your true womb embodied self and a divine vessel for collective healing. Collective healing and elemental healing are powerful and to do this safely, requires us to embody the cosmic womb within us.
If you're curious, you can try my powerful cosmic womb alchemy guided session and see for yourself! Or alternatively, come and join us in the Tribe, for incredibly powerful group and collective alchemy!
If you're looking to heal your womb and deepen in your feminine embodiment please reach out to me and book a consultation call.
You can find my short online course on Womb Wisdom here.
If you'd like to experience cosmic womb alchemy and deep healing please join the Tribe, my bi monthly global group healing sessions
Try one of my guided womb healing practices on my podcast
What My Clients Say
After the healing in Womb Room I am now floating in the soft kind gentle waters of womb. I feel the love and gentle kindness which can be so easily forgotten through day to day life. My womb space showed me the shadows of fear, terror, sadness, shame, guilt, grief, deception and more. This was caused by my childhood trauma.
I learnt through this programme, how to acknowledge my own power and turn my pain into bliss, love and healing. I learnt that every dark shadow and painful memory has something to teach me. I learnt how to do real embodied shadow work. I was no longer the victim. The space Safa creates is so sacred and vast. It's never ending and benevolent. I bow down to you Safa for being so disciplined in your path and so inspirational. 🙏🏼❤️
- Hattie, France
Wow, so much light and energy flowing through Safa's field the whole time!!!! I had ancestors come in to my field during the ancestral healing work I did. There was so much light and energy flowing through the whole field. I was being cleared and healed and filled with light for my journey. I deepened in my womb embodiment, I swam with the whales, felt their deep spirit in womb, the pulse of the oceans and earth's heart beat. I felt gratitude for my family and children. I saw their true essence and light -who they really are. I reconnected with my mother who had passed away, i held her hand in a coffin, kissed her with thanks for her journey.I am still buzzing, feeling so blessed and blissed out!Safa, you are a master orchestrator of the cosmic symphony. This was a magical healing ride that I will never forget. -Mia, Canada
Wow! So much happened during Womb Room! The healing and love in there was so potent and strong! I felt so held. My whole nervous system and energy body reorganised. I saw pure light. So much light. I saw my spirit filled with white light shooting up into the galaxy. Wow that was powerful and strong. I felt the right side of my body being worked on and my masculine and feminine sides harmonizing. I saw my body full of blue and pink electric circuits being mixed and shot across my chest. It was all so profound. I was like holyy cow shit!!! I felt my entire spine realigning, moving in waves. My shoulders released all the tension. I felt healing in my solar plexus and also emotions releasing from my liver. I ended up clearing in utero imprints and in a fetal position. There was lots of gurgling noises and clearing. I saw dolphins deep in the oceans, three synchronised and jumped out of the waters of womb that I was in. Power!!!! Now, my whole body feels different, like a big baby! Full of pure divine love.
I feel my power stirring 🍯🐯I feel my channels strengthening. Trust with my body. Residing and staying in my body. Trusting it to lead the show and it’s beautifully crafted divine nature. My higher self and her voice rather than the voice of my mind. It’s all so clear... standing so tall and strong rooted . Safa you are a force of nature. You are a divine mystical being and a loving creator and majestic queen. Thank you Safa, thank you! ♥️🙏🏻🕊 - Tori, USA
I started this journey numb, jaded and without a sense of safety or trust , I didn't think there was much that could change. I've been wired for pain and suffering for most of my life and I thought that this story was who I was - and I was so wrong.
Womb didn't only heal me, it healed deep intergenerational pain that I didn't know I was carrying. Now it doesn't make sense to hold onto toxic patterns-and I can see where I'm sabotaging myself It helped me see how much rage and fear was in my body and gave me a safe loving space to let it go.I've looked for a feeling of love and home since I can remember and womb showed me that it was inside me all along. I am so grateful, womb has given me so much.- Ziyaan, South Africa
Check Out My FREE Womb Healing Podcasts

Why womb wisdom matters
Heal your first bleed
How to reconnect with your womb after trauma
Healing after Hysterectomy
Healing your womb after miscarriage
Womb and sexual energy
And My Top Womb Healing Practices
Guided womb meditation
14 mins guided practice to release pelvic floor tension
Womb-heart-throat axis