Are you feeling fragmented, disconnected from your true self? If so, you're not alone. The painful process of "soul fragmentation" is a call to return to your fullest, most authentic state of being – but it's not an easy journey.
Imagine your spirit as a shattered mirror, with pieces scattered across your energetic landscape. This fragmentation is often rooted in unprocessed childhood trauma, particularly sexual abuse, and the dissociation that follows. As a protective mechanism, your psyche has divided itself, leaving you feeling lost, fearful, and deeply disconnected from your core.
But here's the kicker – this dissociation also impacts your physical body, manifesting in issues with your spine and subtle energy field. It's as if your very structure is crying out for integration and wholeness.
You may not even be aware of the ancestral trauma that's fueling this fragmentation. These deep-seated imprints have burrowed their way into your subconscious, silently shaping your experience of the world.
The path to healing this soul-deep wound is not an easy one, but it's a journey worth taking. By confronting these buried traumas and reclaiming your lost pieces, you'll embark on a transformative process of embodiment and self-discovery.
Soul Fragmentation is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon of feeling like a fractured jigsaw puzzle within yourself at the deepest levels. It feels like whereever you seek, you have no 'home to return to, nothing feels safe, meaningful or anchoring.
This inner experience, while deeply unsettling, is intrinsically linked to the process of dissociation – a protective mechanism that arises in the face of overwhelming trauma.
Imagine your very essence scattered, with pieces dispersed across your internal landscape – a disorienting and deeply isolating sensation. This spreading out, this disconnect from the core of who you are, is a hallmark of dissociation.
Beneath this fragmentation lies the burden of personal trauma, etched deep within the body and psyche. And here's the kicker: the very mechanisms designed to protect you – the self-hatred and resistance to integration – can become the shackles that keep you trapped in this fractured state.
Reclaiming your wholeness, your true self, is no easy feat. It requires a willingness to confront the buried wounds, to tenderly gather the scattered pieces, and to embark on a transformative process of embodiment and self-acceptance.
What Causes Soul Fragmentation?

When you think of fragment, what images come to mind?
I get the visual of something blowing up and these little tiny pieces going everywhere. As they scatter they seem totally unrelated, random, irrelevant. But they are part of the whole. Piecing them all together can be exhausting and it's easy to get lost, spending years trying to get answers. So most people who don't get support to heal this at a deep level will leave them there, scattered around, not knowing that these pieces actually hold the treasure to deeper healing and wholeness.
So you can imagine that the blowing up means there's been a big event or a big shock in the nervous system and energy body. Shock is held in the nervous system and leads to a fight or flight or freeze response. The difference with soul fragmentation is that there has been multiple and persistent shocks that have occurred over a long period of time, especially at a young age or even in utero. These traumas are mirrored in the ancestral line, and as such the whole experience of living in perpetual fear has become normal.
In this scenario, the person has not been able to process the shock or trauma held in the body or field and is not even mentally aware of their own trauma narrative. They just feel they are 'different' or 'less than' everyone else. They feel lost, but always have, a kind of shame and inferiority and confusion that seems to follow them wherever they go. When trauma and fear is not being processed, it's very hard to relate to ourselves or understand ourselves or be in our own body. We are constantly repelled by the fear that we hold unconsciously. It becomes this unknown and it becomes this experience of detachment and disconnection. Now you can see soul fragmentation fits into dissociation.
So you've got these shock events that happen. When they were at a particular age or during a particular time period that essentially they have disconnected for, they have had to say for survival,I can't feel that right now can't acknowledge it. It has nothing to do with me right now. It's a pushing away of experience persistently over time.
Shock events have a particular frequency and trauma. If a person is left in that environment and the shock keeps happening this is how soul loss can occur. I prefer the word fragmentation because that's actually what it feels like, energetically.
How you're going to notice it is really only in long-term work with a client. It's only in long-term work that you're going to start to support the processing of shock events and trauma that is unconscious. Unconscious material doesn't arise in the first few weeks of a therapeutic relationship. It tends to come up once the surface emotions and somatic sensations are starting to be processed. That's when the deeper layers will start to emerge.
How this feels in the actual field as a person. How does this relate to the body? How does this relate to the healing journey and what do you do as a practitioner?
How Soul Fragmentation Affects Your Energy Field

From my experience of helping my clients to heal, I have noticed some key indicators that suggest you are dealing with severe dissociation and a lack of integration in your energetic and physical body. These include:
A lack of midline and organization around the core of your being. Energetically, your spine appears to have multiple breaks, operating as separate pieces.
Your energy field is spreading out in an asymmetrical and chaotic manner, lacking cohesion.
You have experienced constant dissociation and depersonalization for many years, feeling detached from yourself.
Despite using various tools and support, you struggle to ground or self-regulate at an energetic and nervous system level.
There is a lack of coherency, where different parts of your energy seem to be moving independently.
I've noticed extensive density in your energy body, particularly around your root chakra and kidneys.
You may be experiencing organ dissociation, especially in relation to your womb or reproductive system.
You express feelings of numbness, confusion, and an inability to fully sense and feel the subtle movements of your energetic body.
Your roots seem to be lacking or being drawn back into your system, rather than grounding down into the Earth.
Parts of your energy field appear to have split off, developing their own intelligence and protective mechanisms, such as entities. You have little awareness of these parts but they are intrusive.
Your energy body feels stagnant and resistant to movement, even when grounding
The shape and size of your energy field seem distorted, appearing much smaller than your physical form.
I've noticed the presence of tiny, barely perceptible fragments in your field, containing information related to traumatic events.
These fragments feel threatening and repelling, and when I've attempted to engage with them, the information has been incoherent or seemingly irrelevant.
Underlying all of this, I sense an overwhelming fatigue in your energetic system, making it difficult to process trauma and integrate meaningful change.
How To Recover and Reintegrate Fragments of Your Psyche & Soul

If you look at them closely and you begin to feel into them, you will notice that they pertain to varying experiences of shock and trauma.
You will actually start to see varying ages, specific events, specific people, emotional processes and how that person responded or didn't.
The fragments don't seem to connect at first. This is because the thread of self insight and awareness hasn't been woven through at a deep enough level, the person doesn't feel safe enough to integrate these fragments in to their consciousness and the energy body is not still enough to receive them. Self awareness has been rejected in favour of survival. This gives you an indication of how severe the traumas must have been to lead to this kind of experience.
As you start to find the fragments there will be alot of fear, resistance and rejection coming up. The ego's protective mechanism which is to repel information that threatens its existence will kick in. This is why the healing work must take place in a safe and long term therapeutic container. There is a big process involved in being able to overcome fear and resistance and this involves shadow work. Shadow work is a form of radical self honesty that allows us to start accessing our deeper truth and power, by understanding all the ways that we reject and distance ourselves from our power.
Do you remember when you used to get those 3000 piece jigsaw and it would take you a year to do those? You can only do those when you have a map. When you have a vision, when you have an image of what the final piece looks like. You could only do a, or especially a complicated jigsaw when you have that. The most challenging aspect of working with a client who's experiencing soul fragmentation is they have an inability to imagine or visualize or bring any sort of image that is lasting, and that is supported by their frequency, in order to bring these bits back in.
If you don't have a map and you don't know what the final image looks like, and you're unable to imagine what the final image looks like and when you do, you're constantly getting booted back out of that frequency-you can't sustain it and then you access shame and self hatred because you're unable to create a vision of yourself I E see yourself in anything apart from where you are right now, which is the trauma. That can be a very disturbing place to be. And the type of clients that experienced this, you will hear them say, "I don't know who I am. I don't know who I want to be. I don't know. I don't know" that will feature over and over again. When you support them to ideate about where they might like to be. The very notion of desire will trigger them into grief because every time they have desire to anything, they've been disappointed and let down. So think about this now get a feel for it. You've got all these floating pieces around that contained aspects and fragments and events and nervous system responses and energetic frequencies and relationships that were traumatic and person's perception of themselves or floating around the outside. None of it is connected. And yet you've got this person in the middle seeking wholeness at a soul level. Even if they're not there at a mental level or at an emotional level, they are seeking wholeness. We are all on this journey, seeking wholeness, ever deeper wholeness.
How do you integrate when everything that starts to come in is triggered back out because it's traumatic the way it vibrates, literally repulses the person.
So imagine you're trying to bring certain frequencies back in. You're trying to invite the client to make contact and as soon as the awareness level starts coming in, they're triggered. We've talked about the experience of a healing session and various stages that occur in order for reintegration to happen. Notice just the awareness level will trigger a client.
Energetically, psychologically, and emotionally nothing makes sense. It's not coherent. There's lots of unknowns. There's lots of triggers and not much meaning and not much sense being made. It's difficult for a person to experience themselves often what you were hear is 'I don't know how to feel. I don't know what to feel. I don't know what is mine to feel and what isn't"
Practitioners: Deepening Your Understanding of Soul Fragmentation & Complex Trauma
Practitioners' Considerations:
Recognize the differences between disconnection dissociation, dissociative disorders, and the extreme case of soul fragmentation. Explore my online course on how to support clients to rapidly heal dissociation
Understand that soul fragmentation is usually rooted in deep, continuous ancestral trauma that is often unconscious
Assess the client's current capabilities, stability of their nervous system and psyche before proceeding.
Ensure your client is safe, not on psychiatric medication and has some self regulation tools.
Always ensure you have a safe container for the work i.e not single sessions
Working with Soul Fragments:
Help establish a stable midline as a central organizing axis for the client.
Identify the soul fragments as frequencies or aspects the client can relate to, without attempting to fully weave the constellation back together.
Empower the client to retrieve and reconnect with their own fragmented parts, rather than trying to do it for them.
Be mindful of the client's sense of shame and sovereignty as they engage with the unconscious material.
Introduce soul fragments gently, ensuring relevance to the client's current inner work and readiness.
Facilitating Integration:
As the client reconnects with unconscious material, support the integration of emotions, memories, and identity.
Address the client's physical structure and alignment, as the distortion in the midline and spine reflects the fundamental level of self-awareness.
Create a vision and space for the client to reimagine and embody their true potential, ancestral lineage, and soul's calling.
The process can be extremely rewarding as the client regains deeper self-awareness, self-compassion, and the capacity for self-healing.
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Take the Healing Dissociation Masterclass which is an in-depth guide for both practitioners and clients and includes live healing demonstrations and practices to deepen your own embodiment wherever you are in your journey
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Set your inner child free through Inner Child Healing that will allow you to recognise and release shock and fear that is being held in your nervous system and field, impacting your health and relationships.
Go on a personal healing journey and experience a life changing transformation
Get free healing practices and support on the Kimiya Healing podcast including how to identify buried and unconscious trauma, how to ground your system, release emotional pain and grow spiritually