As women, we've been conditioned to view our menstrual cycles as something to be hidden, managed, and controlled. But what if I told you there's a way to reclaim this natural process and experience it with a newfound sense of empowerment? Enter the concept of free bleeding - a technique that has truly transformed my relationship with my body.

What is Free Bleeding?

Free bleeding is all about cultivating maximum body awareness and the ability to consciously choose the timing of our period flow. It's about tuning in to the subtle signals of our bodies, recognizing the contractions of the womb, and learning to anticipate them. This gives us the power to either retain or release menstrual flow when we choose.
Our Womb is Designed to Bleed Freely
Our womb is actually designed for free bleeding. We're innately in charge of our own flow - we've just been programmed to forget. The way our internal anatomy is structured allows for a measured, deliberate release of blood - rather than a continuous, uncontrolled gush.
First, our blood doesn't just gush out like an open faucet. It starts off collected in small pockets at the entrance of the cervix, in a section called the vaginal fornix.
From there, the blood has to make its way through the flexible, sticky walls of the vagina, navigating the natural folds and curves that act as speed bumps, slowing down the flow.
Even the tilt of our uterus plays a role in regulating the pace of the bleeding.
And the thick, viscous texture of menstrual blood, unlike the fluidity of urine, further contributes to this measured, deliberate release.
All of these physiological elements point to the fact that our bodies are designed with the ability to control the flow of our menstrual cycles. It's as if Mother Nature is whispering, "Go ahead, bleed freely - I've got you covered."
Why is Free Bleeding Controversial?
For far too long, menstruation has been treated as something dirty or shameful, with women and people who menstruate often feeling the need to conceal this natural bodily function.
The mere idea of bleeding freely, without the use of tampons, pads, or other menstrual products, can thus be perceived as taboo.
However, the free bleeding movement challenges these deep-rooted societal norms, encouraging people to embrace their bodies and menstrual cycles openly and unapologetically.
By normalizing this natural occurrence, free bleeding aims to destigmatize menstruation and empower individuals to take control of their own bodily experiences. Despite the controversy, this practice serves as a powerful statement of self-acceptance and a testament to the beauty of the human body.
Why Do We Free Bleed?

The decision to free bleed is a deeply personal one, born out of a desire to cultivate a more intimate connection with my own body and menstrual cycle. As I've embraced this practice, I've come to realize that it's about so much more than just the practical benefits.
At its core, free bleeding is about tuning in to the subtle sensations and rhythms of my womb, developing a heightened awareness that allows me to better understand and honor the sacredness of my reproductive health. It's about learning to listen to the whispers of my body, to attune myself to the ebb and flow of my natural cycle.
And the benefits of this practice extend far beyond the physical. By releasing the tension and anxiety that so often accompanies my periods, I've found profound relief from menstrual cramps and discomfort. Free bleeding has empowered me to reclaim my choice over the flow of my cycle, imbuing me with a deep sense of personal sovereignty.
But perhaps most importantly, this practice has nurtured my emotional and creative well-being. By allowing my menstrual flow to unfold naturally, I've opened myself up to the depths of my inner landscape, embracing the emotional richness and creative inspiration that often accompany my cycles. In this way, free bleeding has become a transformative act of self-acceptance and self-care, a celebration of the inherent power and wisdom of the female form.
So why do I free bleed? Because it's about so much more than just the practical savings on disposable menstrual products. It's about cultivating a profound connection to my body, my emotions, and my creative spirit. It's about reclaiming my power, honoring my cyclical nature, and embracing the beauty of my most sacred rhythms.
Isn't Free Bleeding... Messy?

If you think you're going to end up looking like this <<< you're not!!
Free bleeding can be a little unpredictable the first time you try it but generally it's not messy.
Infact, I feel much cleaner when I don't have plastic and synthetic products stuffed up my yoni.
It's important to remember that menstrual blood is actually natural and very sacred bodily fluid and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
Wearing dark, comfortable clothing and using a backup can help to manage any mess. In my own experience it's not messy at all, you will feel the blood starting to flow and you have plenty of time to do something about it (either go to the bathroom, or water your plants :)
My Own Journey Discovering the Liberation of Free Bleeding
When I first read about free bleeding I thought ‘well that’s just impossible.’ After all, that’s why sanitary products have been created right?

But I was kinda curious. Was it really possible to control my own bleed? I decided to find out!
My discovery of free bleeding came after doing alot of womb healing whereby I no longer feared my periods or found them painful. I was seeking a deeper sense of womb embodiment, and it started to feel like blocking my flow / soaking it up and throwing it away wasn't going to support that. Ultimately I was curious, could I bleed free? What would it feel like? Would it be messy? I didn't know how to start but I heard an inner voice calmly announce, 'you'll know when'. It came because I was wondering how I will know when the blood is coming through. 'I'll tell you' the voice said. I recognised my womb was communicating to me, through a channel of deep intuition, assuring me that I would know when blood was coming through and that I would have enough time to manage the flow.
So many questions went through my mind. Will I really know when blood will flow from my body? Is it possible? Can I trust this voice? What if I can't feel it?
What My First Experience Of Bleeding Free Felt Like

- It was actually really simple, easy and clear. My womb spoke before it wanted to flow. It gave me ample warning. I could feel it! And it felt amazing to have that connection. I was in awe!
- I noticed my womb even had a consideration of where I was and gave me even more time! Once I entered into a negotiation - I was in the car park at Waitrose and I could feel my womb telling me the blood will flow. I asked to wait, give me a few more minutes to do a shop and then get home, and guess what, it worked!
- No cups and no cotton, no spotting - totally clean, wow! It honestly felt so pure, so free, so easy and so natural. It's hard to describe the feeling but it was like being in a deep and trusting connection with my own freedom, my own womb.
- The night times were equally easy. At first I slept with a towel just incase but after the first night I realised I didn't need it. Womb adjusted, and would bleed in the morning. I was mesmerised by my own womb. I would sleep naked, wear white, wear no underwear and still, not even a tiny spot or spec.
I was blown away! The voice was trust worthy! I felt a deep sense of support and womb embodiment, a knowing within me of the sense of freedom and flow.
After all those years stopping and blocking and soaking up this sacred blood, it was over. The free bleeding experience ultimately demonstrated to me the power of somatic womb connection, of listening and of cultivating trust in my own body. It helped me to look forward to my bleed, to prioritise it above other things in my schedule and to recognise what a sacred time it is for the feminine.
Since I talked about my journey of free bleeding it has inspired a few of you to also try it. It always blows me away when clients of mine, especially the ones who are doing deep womb work to heal from sexual trauma, find themselves in a place where they feel safe enough to bleed free, to trust their womb impulses and sensations again, to feel themselves so deeply in this primordial centre.
Tips for Trying Free Bleeding for the First Time

If you're interested in trying free bleeding during your menstrual cycle, there are some tips you can follow to help make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable:
Wear dark, comfortable clothing: Since you won't be using any menstrual products, it's important to wear dark, comfortable clothing that you don't mind getting stained. Choose fabrics that are breathable and absorbent, like cotton.
Start at home: If you're feeling nervous about free bleeding, try starting at home where you feel comfortable and safe. This can help you get used to the feeling and figure out what works best for you. You can also start in the bath, this will mean you don't have to worry about mess and you get used to being comfortable with your own blood. This is your blood after all, it keeps you alive! Why are you scared about it? Ask yourself!
Use a backup: If you're worried about leaks, you can use a backup like a reusable menstrual pad or period underwear to help absorb any excess blood. If leaks happen, don't worry, that's what a washing machine is for :)
Practice good hygiene: It's important to maintain good hygiene practices while free bleeding to prevent infection or other health concerns. Take regular showers or baths, change your clothing often, and wash your hands frequently.
Listen to your body: As you learn to trust your body you will feel when the blood is trying to flow through, it's kinda like the way you know you need to pee(!). You can even ask your womb to hold it for you if you need more time. (I've tried this, it works!) But you have to trust it when it says yes!! :)
In addition to these practical tips, you may also want to consider setting an intention before you begin your bleed. Guided womb healing meditations can help you connect with your womb's intelligence and sacredness and stay open to your body's sensations and messages.
Periodically check in and breathe with your womb, sensing how it feels and getting used to interpreting sensation. Finally, after you bleed freely, you can thank your womb for its offering. Remember, free bleeding is a personal choice, and it's important to do what feels best for you and your body.
Emotional Healing Through Free Bleeding

As women, we often carry generations of shame, stigma, and trauma surrounding our menstrual cycles. Most of us had pretty terrible experiences of our first bleed.
Click here to listen to my podcast about the importance of healing your first bleed.
Our menstrual cycles are intricately linked to our nervous system and the way we process and store emotions in our bodies.
Heavy emotions and traumatic experiences often become trapped in the pelvic area, the uterine lining and energetically in the womb space. This manifests as physical discomfort, cramps, and even deeper chronic womb conditions such as endometriosis.
By allowing our blood to flow freely, without the constraint of tampons or pads, we open ourselves up to a profound emotional healing. Unimpeded flow helps to dislodge and expel the emotional baggage that has been weighing us down, freeing us to reconnect with the innate healing power of our cyclical nature. It helps us to learn how to connect and trust our womb space again and our feminine body and power.
Free Bleeding & Sacred Blood Rituals

I believe that our blood is the deepest offering any human can give to this world, and recognising that your feminine essence is already designed to be in deep trust and sacrifice by offering every month is deeply empowering.
Sacred blood rituals involving menstrual blood have been practiced in many cultures throughout history. Some people believe that menstrual blood contains powerful energies and can be used for healing, purification, and spiritual purposes.
The use of menstrual blood in rituals has been present in many cultures throughout history, and it continues to be used in some traditional and spiritual practices today.
For example, in ancient Greek and Roman mythology, menstrual blood was believed to have powerful properties and was associated with the goddesses of fertility and childbirth. In Hinduism, menstrual blood is considered to be sacred and is used in some Tantric rituals.
Similarly, in some African and Native American cultures, menstrual blood is seen as a powerful source of female energy and is used in healing rituals.
In modern times, some feminist and women's spirituality movements have also incorporated the use of menstrual blood in their practices, as a way of reclaiming and honoring the power and sacredness of the female body.
In some traditions, women would collect their menstrual blood and offer it to the earth as a way of honoring the cycles of nature and the connection between women and the earth. Others would use menstrual blood in rituals for protection, fertility, and spiritual awakening.
Today, some people continue to practice menstrual blood rituals as a way of reclaiming the power and sacredness of menstruation. There are many ways that people use menstrual blood in sacred rituals or practices. Some examples include:
Offering it to the earth: In many traditions, women would collect their menstrual blood and offer it to the earth as a way of honoring the cycles of nature and the connection between women and the earth.
Using it in spells: Some people believe that menstrual blood can be used in spells for protection, fertility, or spiritual awakening.
Creating art or crafts: Some people use menstrual blood as a medium for art or crafts, such as painting or dyeing fabric.
Adding it to bath water: Some people add menstrual blood as a way of purifying and cleansing themselves.
Mixing it with other herbs or oils: Some people mix menstrual blood with other herbs or oils to create a personalized blend for spiritual or healing purposes.
It's important to note that these practices are personal and individual, and should be approached with respect and sensitivity. It's also important to follow proper hygiene practices.
You might like to listen to:
Heal your first bleed Guided womb meditation
15 min practice for painful periods
How to reconnect with your womb after trauma
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